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HR Shared Services and its benefits

Shared services is the link of business operations that are used by many parts of the same association. Today, most companies employ a shared services model for finance, human resources management and information technology.

The goal of a shared services delivery model is to allow each business division to focus its limited resources on activities that support the division’s business goals. Knowledge has often been the teamster for shared services within an organization because it can be expensive to purchase, maintain and train employees to use.  Back in the 1920s, for example, an Underwood typewriter cost $100 and typists were highly trained employees.  Instead of having each business division within the company hire its own typists, a centralized department for typists was seen as being more cost-efficient and the typing pool was born.  Today, a entering pool would be named a shared service center.
Basically put, HR Shared Services is a strategic way to provide HR-related services to an ever-growing employee base. And it comes with some advantages such as continuity and efficiency.  Here are seven advantages to following this type of strategy.

Consolidate HR tasks and software

When a company expands rapidly, leaders often find a fair amount of redundancy in the HR department.  In some cases, work is duplicated over numerous people or different departments, and sometimes, these different HR units are using different software to manage the same task.  By consolidating these tasks and software under one HR shared services team, most companies will see an increase in efficiency and cost savings.

Optimize HR operational efficiency

A rising company must have an HR team that drives with it.  If not, most will see a drop in efficiency.  Under a shared services strategy, tasks that warrant such an action can be transferred to people within the HR services hierarchy that can take over such duties.  One example would include payroll processing.  This frees up other HR professionals on the team to focus much more attention on people and talent pool development.


hr outsourcing companies continue to expand.  Following an HR shared services plan permits for processes to be assumed in the same way each time.  A good example of where this can be successful is through the onboarding of new employees.  In this manner, each employee is onboarding with the same proves and standards as the co-worker before them.

Internal resources can focus on strategic tasks

Hiring an HR shared services approach permits for firms to focus on more strategic tasks.  Those contain tasks such as talent management, human capital development, staffing and retention.  All these processes are of significant importance to the company’s growth strategy.

The development and retention of the talent pool

With the previously mentioned tasks in place, companies can focus on recruiting and developing an intelligent talent pool to help build a better business and increase positive business outcomes. Bettering the talent development processes lets for continuous meeting, rewarding and retention of the talent pool. 

Increases employee experience

With using an HRSS policy usually clues to a faster service.  That means employee requests are filled more quickly and employee questions are answered correctly.  This gentle type of service means workers have positive interactions with HR. Fostering positive connections between employees and HR supports a better employee experience across the association.

Saves money

Touching HR to a shared services approach is an investment. Through an HRSS, corporations can automate processes, decrease manual tasks, and centralize information, which means that less time and resources are required to resolve a request. And saving time on manual and redundant tasks enables HR to spend more time, as previously mentioned, on strategic work which leads to a higher return on investment.


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