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How Can a Human Resources Consultant Help You

The gap between large companies and SMEs is also notable when we talk about introducing intangible consulting services in the latter; solutions including numerous interventions related to the development of the hr outsourcing companies.

I am referring to projects that have to do with subjects as delicate as they are debatable, such as the management of commitment, the improvement of internal communication, plans to promote motivation or involvement of staff, measures to promote internal branding or for promoting the employer brand, projects related to strengthening a company culture or the assurance actions in change management processes and many others that have to do with training or formation plans, with entry policies, with evaluation strategies or adaptation of people-positions and, even, with management development projects.

In such assumptions, the refusal of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to meet with consultants is the most common trend, with few CEOs of SMEs that are initially inclined to make a gap in their agenda to try to resolve, by way of hiring of consulting services, some of the main unknowns that people always have. For example, and among other questions, how far and how could the performance of the subjects increase? Why is there a certain lack of enthusiasm for the staff? How can I attract the best professionals to? a template perfectly tailored to my requirements and activities? Can delays, errors be reduced, "reprocesses" eliminated and decreased customer complaints?? Have we reached the ceiling of our efficiency capacity? How could I engage workers more with my business? Why is the initiative so low and participation so moderate? Why do I have to be in everything so that things go as they should?

An argued mistrust:

Despite these concerns, the reluctance of more than a few SME executives to receive hr solution consultancy who request an appointment to explain the need and advantages of their services is overwhelming. Reservations that usually take the form of apparently irrefutable, supposedly obvious, allegedly forceful and universal reasoning that by themselves explain the unnecessary need to resort - in your specific case - to the help of external collaborators. Below I highlight the most common pretexts - from the SME business community - for declining offers of collaboration from hr solutions consultancy .


It is the most useful reasoning of small entrepreneurs who associate the need for professional management of staff with the size of the workforce and who think that, because they are so few and are "in the family", they themselves can face any issue related to employees of your dependency. But, from what the number of people is it justified to hire the services of a consultant? Think about whether human factor management in companies is a matter of quantity or quality.


Linked to the dimension, but not only to the size, there are companies -small and not so small- that have the culture of solving "everything at home", by themselves, with their own means, enabling resources to provide solutions to the problems that they are raised, including those related to the management of people. A style of action very effective in the face of numerous assumptions and with undoubted additional advantages, but possibly insufficient in certain matters -or specific or inveterate- in which it is also possible to benefit from external collaborations; perhaps to facilitate new orientations to the working groups or to provide them with a methodology that is not always within their reach.


In terms of people, the double aspect that affects their correct or optimal administration in companies must be taken into account. Thus, while a part of the labor relations is subject to regulation, other facets of the employer's relations with his internal interest group are left to his free discretion as they are not regulated by law, norm or agreement and therefore are not mandatory compliance. This means that beyond strictly enforced observances, a multitude of issues that concern the good governance of the hr services in the company can only be implemented by way of convenience and conviction.


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