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Human Resource Service and what Services can be outsourced?

HR Service outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting a third-party organization to handle some or all of a business’s HR tasks and functions. When small business holders or HR professionals consider outsourcing HR, they want to consider who else is outsourcing, what functions can be outsourced, and to whom they can outsource.

Why you should Outsource HR?

According to The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), over half of all HR professionals have taken advantage of HR outsourcing. The main two reasons for HR Service outsourcing are the benefits of cost and time efficiency.
These competences are really the opportunity costs of business owners and managers, who lose time and money focusing on HR tasks when these resources can be spent on what must be done to grow their business. That is, the time and money dedicated to employee management is better spent by outsourcing HR so that businesses can be dedicated to core business functions. Other reasons cited by SHRM include enriched compliance, a wider range of offered services, and more experience in the HR field.

What HR Functions can be outsourced from HR outsourcing company?

If a organization decides to partly outsourcing HR, the company shares responsibilities with the vendor, intercourse of information and control over the purposes. If the company decides to completely outsourcing HR, the vendor takes on all HR responsibilities. The HR manager in your company takes on a new role, link with the vendor, focusing only on HR in order to manage the vendor-company relationship. Whether partially or completely outsourcing, companies frequently outsource the following HR functions:
· Background Screening
· Payroll Services
· Risk Management
· Temporary Staffing
· Employee Assistance / Counselling
· Health Care Benefits
· Retirement Planning
· Performance Management
· Drug Screening

To Whom Can You Outsource HR / HR outsourcing company?

The three types of HR outsourcing company that are Human Resources Organizations, Professional Employer Organizations, and Administrative Services Organizations.

1. Human Resources Organization (HRO)

The number of Human Resources Organizations (HROs) allows big businesses to decide which HR services they would like outsourced. When only some functions are dealt by the HRO, a co-management relationship or shared HR relationship is made between the HRO and HR outsourcing company. When all functions of HR Service are outsourced, the HRO takes full responsibility. In large organizations, the strategic HR role be an internal position; however, most administrative and strategic roles are outsourced. This can also be achieved in smaller organizations using a Professional Employer Organization from HR outsourcing company.

2. Professional Employer Organization (PEO)

A Professional Employer Organization, undertakes all HR Service tasks and is usually more beneficial for small and mid-sized businesses. When a business outsources HR services to a Professional Employer Organization they enter a co-employment relationship in which the PEO becomes the employer of record and the company is the on-site employer. As the employer-of-record, the PEO will be responsible for taxes and workers’ compensation.
Financial liability for the small business crimp due to shared burden. Additionally, the PEO can incur reduced rates on retirement packages and health benefits by compounding employees from all of their customers. They frequently offer outsourced payroll, performance management, recruiting, background screening and other various employment administrative tasks that depend on the needs of the business that hires them.

3. Administrative Services Organization (ASO)

The third HR Service outsourcing scenario is hiring an Administrative Services Organization. As the name rightly implies, an ASO provides administrative services for your company. These comprise processing payroll, performing direct deposits, and filing payroll taxes. Like HR service outsourced payroll, the filing is under your federal employer ID number. However, unlike outsourced payroll, the ASO will assist with questions concerning compliance and legal concerns, access to insurance, worker's comp, and medical/dental benefits. These offerings and costs are firm by your employee base and employment risks associated with retaining them. The ASO provides the small business employer "employment related" relief for businesses with 50 or more employees. Unexpectedly, the various functions that ASOs provide include:
· Safety Management
· Compliance
· Payroll Services
· Pension Administration
· Worker’s Compensation
Usually, the PEO contract states that all services are accomplished and performed by the PEO using their FEIN, a key difference from the ASO. Being said, there are still many organizations that have much larger employee counts that enjoy the benefits from a PEO (and small businesses who may seek out an ASO).


  1. Thanks for the insightfull content. Keep blogging!!

  2. This is nice one. Thanks for sharing wonderful blog. keep it up and keep Blogging!!
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